Big moves and environmental design

PJ Tips
2 min readMay 29, 2021

The most interesting thing that happened today was the move from one side of town to the other. For an extra 35 bucks a week we now enjoy something worth much much more- This view.

For a long time it’s been my dream to live somewhere I can look out over the ocean with a cup of coffee. It’s amazing how much of an improvement this has already had on my mindset. It’s a recurring lesson in life that most of the best work is done when relaxed- so sometimes it’s worth spending the extra as the return on investment can be significantly higher.

The beautiful view became even more impressive later in the day when the local colony of flying foxes started returning to roost for the night. I’d only recently registered how the city council use “Long range acoustic devices” to deter these bats from coming to rest in the trees in the CBD.

It seems to work pretty well. Better than the shark deterrent technique used by these guys:

eek. scary stuff.

